CDL Intelligence - Maple Sugaring Management System
CDL monitoring reaches new levels. From surveillance to absolute control and automation of the systems of your sugaring operation.
Introducing CDL Intelligence, a sugarhouse management system that allows the complete automation of systems and processes.
From the smallest to the largest installation, let CDL Intelligence do the work for you!

heRO Modular Concentrators


100% Electric and Automated Evaporator: the Master-E

4.0 megapixel pan & tilt wireless IP camera

Submersible level sensor 4-20mA

V2 antenna deportation kit

Pump Safety Module

CDL Intelligence starter kit
Tank level sensor

Communication gateway V2

Motorized valve 120V

CDL Rotary Flowmeter

CDL Ultrasonic Flowmeter

Vacuum sensor

Tank level sensor kit with probes

Vacuum regulating modulating valve

Multifunctions controller (in/out)

Qi wireless charger and AC/DC adaptor PG200 assy

CDL Control base

Tank level sensor holder

Membrane switch SE100-V

Ethernet communication module for lenze drive

Amperage sensor Hawkeye H921

CDL Intelligence wireless mouse and keyboard

CDL Intelligence monitor

Antenna 915 MHZ 24W CDL Intelligence (short)