100% Electric Evaporator: Master-E

A wind of change is blowing through the maple syrup industry! Get our brand new 100% electric and automated evaporator: the Master-E!

The Master-E evaporator is a new concept in the maple industry.
The Master-E combines electric energy with the high efficiency of steam compression while evaporating under vacuum.

100% electric and automated:

Preheating with product recirculation

Automatic steam compressor activation

Evaporation with continuous concentrate feed and syrup output

100% sugar recuperation (desugaring)

Automatic wash & rinse (no more scrubbing)

  • Unmatched energy efficiency
  • Works on renewable energy
  • Contains a very small volume of syrup when compared to traditional evaporators

Front view of the Master-E. Evaporator appearance may vary.


The concentrate is preheated before the evaporation stage. The preheating stage is quick due to low liquid volume contained in the evaporator. A small electric steam generator generates the necessary heat. Once proper liquid temperature is reached, the steam compressor is automatically activated, steam pressure and temperature rise and generate evaporation. After a few minutes, when liquid temperature has stabilized the boiler shuts off and doesn’t come on again. Necessary heat is only produced by compression of the liquid evaporation vapors.

Heat from condensate is transferred to cold sap feed and nearly all the energy is recuperated. Cold condensate output from plate heat exchanger is discarded to drain.

No evaporator on the market can match the efficiency of the Master-E!


Compact design. No smoke stack is needed.
Evaporator dimensions: 54 ft² (118’’x 66’’)
Compressor dimensions: 17 ft² (70’’ x 35’’)
N.B.: Building requires 12.5’ ceiling clearance for the installation and a 8.5’ door for the delivery

Compressor may be installed to the right or behind the evaporator


Production capacity:
2.5 barrels/h (100 US Gal./h.,
concentrate feed of 30 Brix or more)
• Lowest production cost:
$2,75 (CAD)/40 US Gal. barrel
(based on $0,10/kW energy cost)

• Safe and efficient
• Simplified functionality and easy start up
• Works under vacuum
• Fast preheating sequence (45 min) because of the steam generator
• Very safe, runs very low steam pressure
• High quality maple syrup production
• Continuously constant Brix syrup production
• Very flexible to allow the operator to boil a sap or concentrate at any Brix. Very effective at High Brix ≥ 30 Brix
• Very low volume of liquid in the evaporator (less than 20 US gallons)
• 100% automated for better efficiency over a long period of operation
• Automatic and management of product Brix output
• Very high energy efficiency, low steam loss


67EL4603460 V3122.0 A
575 V395.0 A*1, 2
230 V3243.0 A*2
67EL2401240 V1503.0 A*2
*1 575 V only available in Canada.
*2 Transformer required (not supplied by CDL)


• Constant product circulation contributes to low niter accumulation on the heating tubes
• No scrubbing or tube replacement
• Can operate long continuous hours without stoping
• Easy maintenance, thanks to an automated wash and rinse cycle
• Quick drainage
• Requires little maintenance
• Reliable and sturdy construction


Government energy saving grants may be available in your state or province for the purchase of high efficiency energy saving electric evaporators!

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