Interviews and articles

Forging Bellechasse region identity through maple sugaring heritage
Readers who have followed my work closely since my first volume in 2016, which marked the quest for a true Bellechasse identity, will appreciate how the project has evolved over the past five volumes. This is especially reflected in the changing themes of each biennial publication. As readers have come with me on this journey to forge a true recognized identity for the region as the cradle of maple syrup production—an identity that was solidified in 2017, some 300 years after the region’s beginnings in 1716—they have also surely seen how telling the story of Bellechasse’s maple syrup history has been the primary means to that end. By telling the story of the twenty or so Bellechassois who built our history between 1716 and 2016 (including the Chabot family, which is now known throughout all of North America and even in Western Europe), we can even better promote that identity to the rest of the world.
The Créneau d’excellence acéricole : Diving the growth of the maple industry
As a proud community member in the Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspé Peninsula, and Chaudière-Appalaches regions, soon to be joined by Estrie, the Créneau d’excellence Acéricole (maple syrup niche of excellence) has played a major role in the growth and development of the maple industry. Through its innovative, collaborative approach, this flagship initiative is looking to energize the maple syrup industry with four main goals: improving product quality and distinctiveness, supporting the industry through labor shortages and knowledge development, driving innovation, and developing the industry responsibly.
Mastering maple syrup filtration with a filter press
Filtering maple syrup is a critical step in the production process. It removes impurities such as nitre and unwanted particles such as wood flakes, plant debris, and sugar or mineral precipitates. This results in a clear, pure maple syrup, and is one of the keys to a top-quality end product.
Things to keep in mind when managing your suger bush
How can you tell which maples have the best yield? Producers are using fewer buckets in their sugar bushes, so they’ve started to lose touch with the amount of sap one tree can produce. However, even without buckets, there are plenty of ways to estimate yield.
A new tool for accurate Brix measurement
Densimeters and hydrometers are very popular instruments for estimating Brix levels in the maple syrup industry. That’s why the ACER Center has developed a standard solution to check their accuracy. Ensuring that production aids are working and used properly is critical for producing quality maple syrup. For Brix measurement, to maximize profitability and ensure the syrup is between 66 and 67 °Brix, you need to have accurate, suitable instruments.
Behind the scenes of the maple syrup industry and its impact on Nort American legislation
Jean Lamontagne has been passionate about agribusiness for nearly 30 years. He has worked as an executive for multinational food manufacturing and distribution companies in Canada and the UK, and has been Executive Director of the IMSI for the past three years.
How do I get organic, carbon neutral and HACCP certifications?
The maple syrup industry is constantly evolving, and producers are looking for ways to improve their practices while meeting rising consumer expectations. In this article, we will explore Ecocert Canada’s crucial role in organic and carbon neutral certification for maple syrup.
Meet our new generation of maple producers!
No matter how big or small your ambitions are, CDL’s representatives can help you evaluate your projects, provide technical advice, and install equipment and tubing. They offer quality support for every part of your maple sugaring operation. Discover more about two companies that took advantage from wise advice!
Annual Ontario Summer Tour – update
Each year in Ontario, an annual convention-style trade show brings together leaders and experts from the Ontario Maple Syrup Industry to discuss best practices and emerging topics in maple industry development. Typically, the agenda includes two days of tours to a diverse range of sugar camps and one day of technical presentations, tours to local sugar bushes, technical sessions, vendor exhibits, and social events. It’s a convivial event pertinent for everyone, from small producers, long-time producers, to backyard producers.
Backwoods Maple Syrup
Arriving at Backwoods Maple Syrup gives the impression of approaching a traditional sugarhouse. The lines of tubing wind through the forest, steam rises from the stacks, and a large “OPEN” flag greets visitors at the entrance. Upon stepping inside, the initial reaction is one of amazement. The sight of the shiny evaporator and the inviting seating area overlooking it immediately captivates. The air is filled with the delightful aroma of maple syrup, adding to enchanting atmosphere. Interview with Paul Partridge, co-owner
The contribution of Jesse Randall in the transformation of the american Midwest maple syrup tradition
The United States Midwest, traversing the Dakotas to Ohio, has a rich history in the maple industry that spans generations. The Midwest accounts for about 2,524,212 taps and has around 3,722 maple producers
4.0 : The technological revolution in maple sugaring
In the ever-changing landscape of maple sugaring, the advent of 4.0 technology is proving to be an essential catalyst to take the industry to new heights of productivity, efficiency, and profitability. At CDL, we are proud to present our 4.0 vision for maple sugaring and our CDL Intelligence system, designed with the unique needs of maple syrup producers in mind.
Maple Nectar: An ingredient soon to take its place in the world of natural sweeteners!
Maple Nectar was officially recognized as an innovative maple product by the Québec Maple Syrup Producers (QMSP) and the Maple Industry Council (MIC) in 2022, demonstrating industry support for it. This recognition was solidified by the recent inclusion of Maple Nectar in the Maple Sap Marketing Convention as a new sweetening agent from maple production, aimed at standardizing its purchase and sale. Maple Nectar is now standardized under the term “High Brix Maple Concentrate,” although we continue to internally refer to it as Maple Nectar.
A unique jug labeling process in the maple syrup industry
Since fall 2023, CDL has been producing its new jugs in all Canadian and American sizes to serve maple syrup producers across North America.
Another successful sugaring season with HeRO concentrators
In the demanding world of maple syrup production, where each sugaring season brings its own set of challenges, technological advancements are invaluable allies for producers.
Maintaining your RO and managing its membranes properly
It’s crucial to carefully maintain your RO and properly manage its membranes to keep your equipment running at its best. Doing so not only extends the life of the equipment, but also helps to keep it clean, sterile, and in good working order. Keeping the RO in good condition also gives it better yield and is more cost efficient in the long term.
Meet Sabrina Bouwman
Sabrina Bouwman, an inspiring young businesswoman, is a true example of entrepreneurial success, juggling multiple activities with confidence. I went to chat with this fascinating woman at her property on 7e Rang in the Municipality of Lochaber, in the Outaouais region, to hear her story.
CDL Corporate Group acquires Prestige Maple Products Inc.
CDL Corporate Group has recently acquired Prestige Maple Products Inc., a family-owned company specializing in the production and distribution of processed and packaged maple products. This acquisition, leveraging the complementary synergies of both companies, will enable Prestige Maple Products to ensure its growth and continue its development through product diversification in both domestic and international […]
New image for the cans available at BMR/Agrizone Group and CDL Maple Sugaring Equipment Inc.!
Friday, March 10th, 2023, Quebec. – CDL Maple Sugaring Equipment Inc. and BMR/Agrizone Group have joined their sales forces with the talents of two Quebec artists to offer new cans to their customers for the 2023 season. Wishing to offer not one, but two distinctive and current designs, the BMR/Agrizone Group and CDL teams began […]
The advantage of vacuum modulation
Installing a valve to modulate vacuum has one main advantage: it will increase the volume of your sap runs by preventing freezing in your lateral lines and mainlines when temperature outside is humid and around freezing point. Also, when the temperatures are very cold and you keep the pumps running, dropping the vacuum level will […]
Tips for setting up a new sugar bush
I had the opportunity to interview Michaël Cliche, a forestry engineer by training who has been a maple sugaring advisor at the Association des propriétaires de boisés de la Beauce since 2018. He humbly agreed to share his knowledge with us on a fascinating subject! Anne-Sophie Couture-Goulet (ASCG): What sorts of things do you need […]
Latest developments in the maple nectar project
At CDL, each of our posts is an opportunity to keep you updated on our innovative projects. It’s my personal duty to let you know about the Maple Nectar project—a project I truly believe will benefit the entire maple syrup industry in the near future. First, here’s a little refresher on what Maple Nectar is. […]
5 tips for perfect maple cream!
At CDL, we offer a range of four maple cream machines. Here are our top 5 tips for making the perfect maple cream with this essential tool for anyone who processes maple syrup. 1. Prepare a cooling bath for the syrup before you start cooking it. Water needs to constantly run in the pan and […]
Choosing the best spout for you!
Have you ever found yourself in one of our CDL store, standing in front of the spout display wondering which model you should choose for your maple sugaring endeavours? Here’s a few tips! They also apply if you’re using buckets rather than tubing. As a reminder, spouts are the starting point of your harvesting system, […]
Portrait of a passionate maple syrup producer : Christine Côté
This series is dedicated to CDL’s celebration of inspiring women who live and breathe maple syrup production. In this article, we introduce you to Christine Côté of the Érablière Côté Sucré in Coin-du-Banc, in the Gaspé Peninsula. Christine Côté’s background is anything but ordinary. Like Obelix, she fell under the spell of agriculture as a […]
Maple Nectar : On the verge of large-scale commercialization!
Over the past few years, I’ve been keeping you updated on our project for a new sweetener that holds great promise for the maple syrup industry: maple nectar. Here are the latest developments from the collaboration between CDL and its partners. What is maple nectar? • It’s a new, 100% natural maple sweetener, with a […]
Owls help control unwanted rodents
Many maple syrup producers find themselves dealing with rodents, who are attracted by maple sap and can cause damage to tubing systems. But there’s a natural solution to this problem! Did you know that a single barred owl eats three mice, or nearly one squirrel, a day? By eating rodents, these owls can help reduce […]
Huge potential for CDL’s sap division in baltic and nordic country
CDL has been developing its European market for several years now by selling equipment designed to harvest sap from a range of trees. This market will continue to grow thanks to partners like Ervins Labanovskis, whom you’ll hear about today. In Latvia, birch sap is generally produced on a small scale, with families and individual […]
Detect off-flavours in your maple syrup with the COLORI Test
For Centre ACER, the beginning of 2023 marked the launch of the COLORI Test. This new tool lets maple syrup producers test for certain aspects of maple sap that can affect the quality of their maple syrup. The COLORI Test can tell you if the maple sap contains factors associated with natural off-flavours, such as […]
4.0 maple sugaring network : A project by and for business
In the fall of 2020, a number of businesses gathered with the support of Créneau Acéricole to receive the training they needed to develop their 4.0 strategic plans. This was the birth of 4.0 Maple Sugaring Network. The project helped 18 businesses receive the necessary support to create their strategic plans and, in so doing, […]
New : Nano CDL cellular surveillance system
CDL Intelligence now has a remote management solution for small and medium-sized producers! The Nano CDL cellular surveillance system lets you use your smartphone to start and stop your vacuum pump remotely, in manual mode or automatic mode depending on the temperature. It can read the pump in real time, detect if the tank is […]
To each maple producer their own spout!
Right from the start, CDL has invested in innovation to meet the expectations of an increasingly experienced, detail-oriented clientele. That’s why we regularly improve our range of spouts in response to specific requests from our clients. Two new versions of our spout have been added to the CDL collection: Maxflow PLUS and SMART 2.0. Maxflow […]
Tapping practices to maximize yields over the long-term
In addition to location and the timing, frequency and duration of weather conditions for sap flow, there are four main factors which influence the total yields achievable from individual trees: the level of vacuum at the taphole, the sanitation of the spout and dropline, tapping practices such as taphole depth and diameter, and tree characteristics […]
Need employees? Consider temporary foreign workers!
Are you having trouble hiring employees for your sugar bushes? Unfortunately, that’s hardly surprising. Statistics Canada estimates that by 2026, more than 1.4 million positions will need to be filled in Quebec businesses. The current labour shortage is having serious repercussions for all industries. For that reason, hiring temporary foreign workers is becoming a smart […]
Inauguration of the new CDL Technology Center
For some time now, CDL has dreamed of having a single location where it could test its prototypes, continuously improve its equipment, train its employees, and showcase new products for customers year round. This has become a reality thanks to the brand new CDL Technology Centre in Saint-Henri, in the RCM of Bellechasse, on the […]
A look back at the first year of the Master-E with our customers!
The 2023 maple sugaring season is the first on the market for our brand-new 100% electric and automated Master-E evaporator. At the time of writing, the first Master-E evaporators have not only been produced, delivered, and installed by our team, but have also been operated by their owners! This is a source of pride for […]
A 3/16” tubing system : A simple, economical, and efficient solution!
Personal interests and hobbies that bring people closer to nature continue to grow in popularity. Anyone who owns a few dozen maple trees can become an amateur maple syrup producer and develop a real passion for it. The same is true for anyone with a stand of birch. If you’re in a position to take […]
A burning passion for maple syrup
Maple syrup production may seem to straddle two worlds: on the one hand, tradition and the little log shack, and on the other, cutting-edge technology and large boiling centres. The two poles may appear at odds. Some believe the maple syrup industry is becoming so industrialized that it’s forgotten its roots. They fear that the […]
Four lines of reverse osmosis systems, infinite possibilities!
With maple sugaring, one of the keys to boosting profitability is to have a powerful reverse osmosis system (RO) that suits your needs and can effectively increase the Brix of your sap. This cuts down boiling time significantly, which saves you not only time, but also money since you use less fuel. At CDL, we […]
CDL’s new 20” press
CDL’s new 20’’ press has a simple, streamlined design that offers the same benefits as the rest of the CDLWESFAB press line. With its ease of operation and capacity, the press will no doubt appeal to maple syrup producers. Much lighter than its predecessor, it is easier to handle. Its efficiency can be attributed to […]
A dry screw pump that combines simplicity, cleanliness, and performance
If you were only looking for a quiet pump, you’ll be pleased to discover that our new dry screw pump delivers far more qualities than quietness. With its efficient and stable design, it meets regulatory hygiene requirements for food safety. The vacuum leads to self-lubrication, reducing the risk of low-vacuum damage and eliminating the need […]
Automating your sugar bush, from forest to barrels
As in so many other fields, smart systems are part of the trends and solutions to many issues in maple syrup production because they help us make better decisions. When maple sap is flowing almost continuously during the short sugaring season, every minute counts in harvesting every last drop. For some, the four to six […]
Bottle your maple syrup : Get it right!
Your maple syrup is precious. It deserves to be stored properly so it retains its healthful properties—if it doesn’t make it to the table right away, of course! Several packaging options are available to stave off syrup’s two worst enemies: light and oxygen. You need only follow a few basic rules to keep your high-quality […]
It pays to be more efficient!
Aiming for efficient maple syrup production brings its fair deal of challenges! Because we share this quest with all maple syrup producers, our Research and Development Department is always looking to innovate. Our team is constantly challenging existing processes to develop highly energy-efficient equipment. In maple syrup production, the most energy-intensive step is evaporation. That’s […]
The Master-E : A CDL evaporator is now available in its electric version!
This concern for innovation is constant in the various CDL teams. For more than three years, the CDL Research and Development team has devoted itself, among other things, to pushing the current limits of evaporation. The thinking and working parameters are of course a mixture of the constraints related to the quality end products, as […]
When collaboration and sharing come together
It was during the 2016 CDL open house event and the launch of my first volume at the Saint-Lazare CDL administrative centre that I discovered this unique and festive atmosphere gathering several Bellechasse families together with those from surrounding regions across Canada and the United States. This first activity also allowed me to realize the […]
Step by step towards the smart sugarbush
Today, no matter what our lifestyle, we are short on time! The CDL 4.0 vision, progressing towards 5.0, allows all maple syrup production enthusiasts to realize their passion while preserving the quality of life that has become so dear to us. At CDL, this is what we had in mind when we started developing CDL […]
A local regional service, efficient and there when it counts!
Taking care of our customers and adjusting to their changing needs has been one of CDL’s values since the very beginning and has been passed down through the generations. In order to offer its products as well as excellent service to all its customers, CDL will strengthen its regional service in the coming months and […]
CDL Intelligence
Not that long ago, we never could have imagined, even in our wildest dreams, that we’d have access to a wealth of data in real time and be able to control virtually all of our sugaring equipment remotely. However, thanks to CDL Intelligence, that dream has been coming true in more and more sugarbushes over […]
Taking your first steps with 100 taps
For a few years now, CDL has been encouraging hobbyists to experience the joys of maple sugaring by providing all the equipment beginners need. The information below will give you some insight into the kind of equipment you’ll be looking for as a new producer. To learn more, please check out our site or talk […]
Take Good Care of your Membranes and they’ll Serve you Well!
Mastering the essentials: washing, maintenance, and storage If you have any type of reverse osmosis system, you already know how much valuable time it saves you. That is, as long as you maintain the membranes in order to maximize their performance. This means completing three essential steps each season: washing your membranes at the beginning […]
A new opportunity for maple syrup producers: maple nectar
Vallier Chabot Co-owner of CDL, gives us an update on the maple nectar project. He answers questions from Annik Perron, editor for CDL’s Way. Annik Perron (AP)– Since 2016, your R&D team has been working on a process that allowed you to develop a new natural sweetener, maple nectar, that could benefit the industry and […]
The Master Evaporator: Saving Green by Going Green
Today, producers who are looking for new equipment are generally seeking performance, profitability, simplicity, and time and energy savings. When a piece of equipment meets all these criterias, CDL recommends it without hesitation! The CDL Master Evaporator is the only one on the market to evaporate more than 5.1 imperial gallons (6 US gallons) per […]
Sugarbush Trends: Pre-lashed mainlines and SpinSeal technology – a winning CDL combination!
If there is one constant at CDL, it’s our goal to simplify your sugarbush operations and save you time and money. With our pre-lashed mainlines and SpinSeal technology, these goals are fully within reach. The combined use of these two technologies, exclusive to CDL, continues to grow among our customers, both small and large maple […]
Research on the effect of tubing colour on maple sap harvesting: the results
Collaboration between the Centre ACER and CDL Maple Sugaring Equipment In last spring’s issue of CDL’s Way, we discussed a research project on tubing colour, a collaboration between CDL and the Centre ACER. The project was still ongoing at the time, so the results weren’t known. Today, we can finally share the main results of […]
Total yields from red maples
Red maples (plaines, Acer rubrum) are abundant throughout the maple-producing region of the U.S. and Canada, particularly in southern and midwestern areas. They’re able to adapt to diverse growing conditions and climates and can be found everywhere from moist soils and swamps to dry ridges and uplands. Their ability to adapt to and thrive in […]
The Flavours of our Land
As an anthropologist—a specialist in the study of cultural diversity—I have observed various agricultural practices in countries such as Mongolia, Chile, and Switzerland. Since my grandfather was raised to be totally self-sufficient, from producing his own food to crafting his own tools and clothing (for which his family grew flax), I have always been fascinated […]
Hobbyists : Here’s the easiest way to make your own maple syrup !
We’ve collected a few simple ways to successfully make your own maple syrup using a few essential tools you can get at CDL. HOW DO YOU CHECK YOUR SYRUP’S PRECISE BOILING TEMPERATURE? First you need a syrup thermometer, like our candy thermometer (71750426 – see image A) or our dial thermometer (72920003 – see image […]
Hobbyists : Tips for Choosing your CDL Wood-fired Evaporator
At CDL, our experts are here to guide all types of maple syrup producers, from the smallest to the largest, from the beginner to the most experienced. To help new hobbyist maple syrup enthusiasts who want to produce maple syrup for fun, here are some details to get you started in your thinking […]
CDL has been diversifying for several years now by adapting its equipment to harvest sap for birches and other trees. This has led to great potential in Europe, where birch sap (also called “birch water”) has been a popular drink since the 12th century. The growth of CDL and its European sap division began with […]
A New Sweetener Coming Soon : Nectar !
Since 2016, our research and development team has been working on an innovative new project that will allow CDL to reach new markets and make even greater use of maple products. Many food processing companies are interested in a natural maple concentrate or sweetener that has a stable flavour, is highly nutritious and can be […]
COLLABORATION BETWEEN CDL MAPLE SUGARING EQUIPMENT AND THE CENTRE ACER DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Preliminary results from the Centre ACER and other research groups suggest that the colour of the materials used to collect maple sap could affect the volumes of sap collected and, consequently, sugar bush productivity. To date, studies have focused mainly on […]
Picture a stunning valley in Ontario, where the Harmony River flows and 60,000 acres of forest stretch as far as the eye can see! Some 2,500 acres of that forest, in Harmony Bay, 40 kilometres north of Sault Ste. Marie, was chosen as the birthplace of Black Bird Management Ltd.’s maple sugaring division. Since 1990, […]
CDL Intelligence : Making Our Custumers Everyday Lives Easier !
CDL Monitoring has been taken to another level recently. It’s become CDL Intelligence, because it’s now a complete sugar bush management system. Our vision was to create a system that supports you every day, like a second brain, helping you automate repetitive daily tasks so you no longer need to think about them. We also […]
Back to the first season of our New Nano RO !
Just before the last season, CDL had introduced two new Reverse Osmosis Systems for the enthusiastic hobby maple producers. These small units are economical and simple to use. Highly efficient and consume very little electric power and are operated on 110 volts power or a small power generator. The technology allows energy and evaporation time […]
Stories of maple syrup maker families
The Chabots, master maple syrup producers for 140 years and 5 generations ! Their names are Pierre, Alphée, Adrien, the ancestors who passed on their passion and know-how to the co-founders of CDL, three brothers with complementary skills: Jean-Marie, Christian and Yvan Chabot. This fourth generation then gave way to the sons of Jean-Marie, Vallier, […]
April Lemay: an inspiring female maple producer!
At the beginning of last April, I had the chance to interview a very inspiring maple producer and a successful woman-owned business: April Lemay. Hope you enjoy this interview and learn more about her company, April’s Maple, her values, her professional background and her daily life. Happy reading!
Retail sales: How to stand out from your competition!
Selling retail your maple syrup or transforming it in multiple products, here are a few tips to help you stand out from your competition!
Tree water and CDL: a winning team!
Did you know that CDL has developed expertise over the past fifteen years in plant sap, and more specifically in birch sap?