A dry screw pump that combines simplicity, cleanliness, and performance

By Nick Norton, CDL Southern Vermont Service Technician and owner of a 4,000 taps sugarbush

If you were only looking for a quiet pump, you’ll be pleased to discover that our new dry screw pump delivers far more qualities than quietness. With its efficient and stable design, it meets regulatory hygiene requirements for food safety. The vacuum leads to self-lubrication, reducing the risk of low-vacuum damage and eliminating the need for oil. As a result, the pump requires very little maintenance. It is consistently efficient because the lack of friction minimizes the required amperage and, thus, power usage.

The dry screw principle is highly moisture resistant. It can even be operated without a moisture trap. If sap finds its way in, the pump can be cleaned with hot water alone.

One of the pump’s interesting qualities is that it starts up better when cold. This dry screw pump can certainly be described as turnkey!

Nick Norton’s 4 HP dry screw pump

“Being a sugarmaker on top of having a full-time job is tough. I needed equipment that was dependable. My biggest concern was getting a vacuum pump that would be reliable, capable of high vacuum, and be cost effective to run. I did not want to deal with oil cooled pumps because of high maintenance and moisture contaminating the oil.

This led me to the new dry screw pump and wow did this exceed my expectations. It is truly a game changer for the maple industry! It’s so quiet you can have a conversation right next to it, achieving over 29” HG while being more power efficient than any other pump on the market. There is no water or oil required for lubrication.

It can withstand high moisture intake and the best part, there is very little maintenance. Simply change the drive belt every couple of years! No more oil and filters to change. If you’re looking for a new vacuum pump look no further the dry screw pump is the answer.” — Nick Norton, CDL Southern Vermont Service Technician and owner of a 4,000 taps sugarbush.

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