The advantage of vacuum modulation

By Lionel Turmel, expert and customer service

Installing a valve to modulate vacuum has one main advantage: it will increase the volume of your sap runs by preventing freezing in your lateral lines and mainlines when temperature outside is humid and around freezing point. Also, when the temperatures are very cold and you keep the pumps running, dropping the vacuum level will prevent hard freezing of the lateral lines and mainlines. Using this new technology, you should observe earlier sap runs.

The vacuum modulating valve is installed near the vacuum pump inlet. Managed by our CDL Intelligence system, the valve will automatically set itself to a preprogrammed optimum
combination of vacuum and outside temperature that you have predetermined for your sugarbush to maximum the length of your sap run before freezing.

In high-vacuum systems, micro leaks can cause early freezing stage issues in 5/16″ tubing and mainlines even with temperature above freezing point, especially when there is a lot of moisture in the air. As we know, maple trees can keep giving sap until the temperature reaches 0 °C and sometimes less. If you can prevent early freezing stage, you will get more sap production. This is what all sugarmakers want and should be looking for with this innovative CDL way of managing vacuum.

Remember, every drop counts; a gallon of 2 Brix sap is worth about $1.00.

Contact us to learn more. We’d be happy to help you!


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