CDL SpinSeal mainlines and pre-lashed mainlines

CDL SpinSeal mainlines and pre-lashed mainlines 100 PSI

CDL SpinSeal mainline and pre-lashed mainlines 100PSI is thicker and keeps its flexibility. It stays malleable during cold weather. Available in pre-lashed mainline, the installation is completed after one step only instead of three (factory pre-lashed with superior stainless steel wire. Save time with a 1-step installation!).

Combined with the SpinSeal fusion, our CDL SpinSeal pre-lashed mainlines are a must for any maple producers aiming for a job perfectly done and in a record time.

10-year warranty, get CDL quality!


  1. Thick wall
  2. More flexible
  3. Remains flexible even in cold weather
  4. Aluminium alloy main wire (pre-lashed mainlines)
  5. Stainless steel support wire (pre-lashed mainlines)
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