Vacuum filter press

Vacuum filter press

The new CDL Maple sugaring equipment vacuum filter press is a 2 in 1 product, perfect for small producers, hobbyist and maple lovers. It combines a syrup filter tank and a filter press. Easy to use, compact and cost-effective, this equipment is truly appreciated by maple producers. Available in different sizes (9, 12, 15 and 18 inches) from 3.6 US Gal. to 19 US Gal. For complete round filters and prefilters list, please refer to the catalogue.

Includes : 1 filter and 12 prefilters

User manual HERE


  1. Easy to use
  2. CDL quality
  3. 2 in 1 solution
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Product models
  • FAU18PV0099'' CDL vacuum filter press (3.6 US Gal.)
  • FAU18PV01212'' CDL vacuum filter press (9 US Gal.)
  • FAU18PV01515'' CDL vacuum filter press (14 US Gal.)
  • FAU18PV01818'' CDL vacuum filter press (19 US Gal.)
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